Phone: 404-587-5119
Course Overview
tudents will learn proper handling techniques and be proficient in reading prescription labels.
Our Med Tech course will also teach you how to assist with medications in Assisted Living Facilities, Home Care, Drug Treatment, and Skilled Nursing Facilities.
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to accurately complete and maintain all forms required for the process of medication administration and supervision of self-administration of medication.
State principles of safe storage of medications (prescription, controlled, and OTC)
Demonstrate correct preparation and administration of medication via oral, topical, transdermal, ophthalmic, otic, rectal, inhaled, and enteral routes
Discuss and demonstrate correct supervision of self-administration of medications
State medical indications/primary effects/purposes, symptoms of adverse reactions, and side effects of commonly used medications
Demonstrate understanding of medication instructions by reading and following instructions on a prescription label or health care practitioner’s order, and accurately completing a MAR
State conditions under which PRN medications may be administered.
Demonstrate proper safety and sanitation procedures.
Demonstrate proper disposal of expired or discontinued medications
State and demonstrate the six rights of medication administration
Understand the rules for Authorization for Medication Administration and for Informed Consent for Medication Administration.
Discuss the validation requirements
List steps to be taken when medications are to be taken off-site with the client
Demonstrate proper positioning of clients.
Explain the steps to take if a medication error is made.Who is the course for?
How long to I have to complete the course?
What are the duties of a Medication Tech?
Where can I work as a Med Tech?
Will I receive a certificate?
How do I contact the school?